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GSHA Net Zero Through Smart & Healthy Buildings

The Global Sustainable Healthcare Association (GSHA), would like to invite you to participate in our "Net Zero Through Smart & Healthy Buildings" forum.

As of April 2022, 134 countries around the world have announced their push for net zero emissions. The Taiwan National Development Council also announced the "Taiwan 2050 Net-Zero Emissions Roadmap" in March this year, requiring 100% of new buildings and more than 85% of existing buildings to be gradually transformed into near-zero carbon buildings by 2050. It is crucial to identify potential high carbon emission links through a comprehensive review of the building life cycle, from design through to construction and operation, and achieve the goal of energy saving and emission reduction by improving the energy efficiency of buildings.

This forum combines the latest trends in smart and healthy buildings, and invites experts from the building decoration, lighting and air conditioning, and water resources industries to share their experience in how high-efficiency buildings and equipment can achieve energy conservation and carbon reduction at this critical moment of industrial transformation. We'll also hear from experts working in capital markets, where investors and enterprises place high value on the promotion of net zero emissions. The forum is being held at the Kloud Hotel and they will share their wisdom from the persepctive of a smart hotels from initial planning through to daily operation.

We sincerely invite you to attend this event, and we look forward to promoting the exchange of ideas between construction, decoration, equipment manufacturers and investors to create more business and coopeartion opportunities. Together we can work to help Taiwan's construction industry move towards a healthier, more efficient and greener future with the a goal of net zero.

Forum Details

  • Time: August 24, 2022 (Wed) 14:00-21:00 (13:30 Registration Begins)

  • Location: Kloud Hotel, Taichung 台中浮雲客棧

  • Address: 台中市西屯區西安街277巷59號15F

  • Topics: Net Zero Through Smart & Healthy Buildings



  • GSHA Members : FREE | GSHA Friends : $200 | Non Members $500

Forum + Cocktail Party + Buffet Dinner

  • GSHA Members : $1,100 | GSHA Friends : $1,100 | Non Members $2,000


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11/F, No. 536 Taiwan Blvd., Section 2, West District, Taichung, Taiwan, R.O.C.

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